Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let's Pretend Hospital

Well, spring break is here. You'd think a guy would be more excited. Unfortunately, for us nursing students, excitement isn't much of an option. One of our professors decided it would be a great idea to give us an exam over the break. Granted, it is Monday, which still leaves us most of our break; but, fact is, spring break started the day after the last class. That means, for the next week, we shouldn't have to think twice about anything school related. Seriously, where does she get off giving us a test the first official weekday of spring break. Come on!

Oh, and let's not forget about Let's Pretend Hospital. What is Let's Pretend Hospital, you ask. Well, for starters, let me just say, I think some of the things they make us nursing students do is just plan ol' ridiculous. Having said that, let me explain Let's Pretend Hospital.

My school decided twenty-five years ago that they would collaborate with one of the local hospitals and put together a day long show for first graders. The show's purpose would be to simply educate kids on the hospital. The idea was to keep them from being scared of the medical personnel--which, by the way, I think is a great idea. The problem is, however, that they make, or better yet, force nursing students to produce and set up the entire show. Yeah, that's right, they make us do it! And, get this: it's for a grade. All of this, by the way, has nothing to do with nursing. Can you say complete waste of time!?

So, there you have it. I spent my entire day Friday teaching 16 classes about the emergency room. I was exhausted. Seriously, I've actually started to rethink this whole having kids thing. Those little boogers wore me out. And not to mention the fact that I had to act--Lord knows I'm not an actor.

We had one little girl who threw up; and another little boy who was scared to death of the ambulance. I couldn't help but think, "Seriously? I mean, what first grader hasn't at least heard the sirens of an ambulance." Well, anyway, it was an interesting day, to say the least.

Now I'm off to study for my test, as oppose to hanging out with my girlfriend. God, I hate school, sometimes. Then again, I wouldn't have a job if I didn't stick with it. It's most definitely a love-hate thing. Hope I ace this bad boy.

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